Dr. Choulet, Author of The Ultimate Private Practice Playbook, is also a physician consultant and entrepreneur, who enjoys helping other physicians turn their passions into a thriving practice. She offers consulting services to physicians looking to take their careers to the next level. She is passionate about providing mentorship and guidance to other physicians looking to create similar practices across the United States.
Dr. Choulet started her private practice in 2020 while she was still in fellowship training. Within a year, she hired over 6 other clinicians to join her at Choulet Performance Psychiatry®. She rapidly expanded both practices in Arizona and California. As a business consultant, Dr. Choulet has been able to help several other physicians across the country identify their career goals and grow their own clinics. She is an expert in time management and efficiency, as she started and expanded both of her practices while still in fellowship training.
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I have helped over 20 psychiatrists launch their private practices
I successfully own and operate two large group practices that have been self-funded and solely owned by myself.
As a LinkedIn Top Voice in Healthcare Management, I have demonstrated extensive experience working to build and scale practices.
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